The secret behind this devilish cake is instant coffee powder, which enhances the rich chocolate flavor. Eat a bewitching slice of this cake by the light...
Chestnut flour creates a moist texture with a fine crumb, and chestnut flour makes every layer of this cake taste nutty.This rich, chocolatey cake is best...
Use the leftover caramel from this rich, sweet-and-salty frosting to give your cake or cupcakes (like our One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes) an extra-special...
Sheet cakes, long a staple of bake sales and potlucks, are easy to make and even easier to transport. Be sure to let the cake cool completely before you...
Whipped egg whites lighten the batter used to create these pretty teatime confections, baked in an oversized-muffin tin. Each cake is dipped in a boiled...
The cake has a tart flavor from the orange zest and is filled with sweet orange marmalade. You may replace the orange with lemon zest and curd, or omit...
These festive -- and flourless -- little loaves are made with ground almonds for a nutty, slightly sweet flavor. Cooking the cranberries with cane sugar...
This beautiful flag sheet cake makes a festive addition to the dessert table at a patriotic-themed party. This recipe was adapted from Martha Stewart Living,...
These Chocolate Gingerbread House Petits Fours are simply adorable. And what could be sweeter than a village of bite-size houses built from bricks of chocolate-gingerbread...
In this elegant buche de noel, sponge cake is brushed with espresso syrup, filled with caramel, and swathed in seven-minute frosting. For the finishing...
This simple chocolate cake is a favorite of Lucinda Scala Quinn's oldest son, Calder. Topped with whipped cream and sliced strawberries, it makes for an...
This ursine chocolate cake gets its soft and fuzzy look from icing piped on with a grass tip. With his chubby belly, constructed from a mound of cake,...
An easy-to-make cake that's loaded with flavor. Olive oil replaces butter here and there's orange zest and juice plus shredded coconut to make the cake...
This version of the traditional South African malva-pudding cake comes from baker Umber Ahmad of Mah-Ze-Dahr. She makes mini puddings and uses dates pureed...
Honey lovers, this cake's for you! The batter and double glazes get their sweetness from the golden liquid produced by hard-working bees. Savory sage and...
In this strawberry shortcake that feeds a crowd, a tender biscuit cushions a cloud of lightly sweetened cream and a tumble of juiced-up berries. Peaches,...
Inspired by Black Forest torte, this rich chocolate cake is served with Bing cherries, which are macerated with Kirsch (a cherry liqueur) and sugar, and...
This dramatic four-layer dessert is inspired by the flavors of Sicilian-style cannoli, which is stuffed with ricotta, chopped chocolate, and candied orange...
A blend of gluten-free flours including brown-rice flour, almond flour, and quinoa flour yield delicate results. Buttermilk helps to keep the cake super...
Adapted from Anne Quatrano's "Summerland: Recipes for Celebrating with Southern Hospitality" (Rizzoli). Martha made this recipe on episode 705 of Martha...
A delicious cake studded with masses of grapes is our nod to Olivagando, the annual Italian olive-oil-harvest festival, when growers celebrate their haul...
Good for beginners, the piped buttercream daisy decoration on this cake requires only two pastry tips and no complicated curves. Scoring the cake first...
Two chocolate Bundt cakes held together with melted chocolate are coated with a rich glaze and garnished with hazelnut-chocolate leaves to make The Great...